To help bring drinking water to our villagers and water for farming, in the arid and drought prone areas, these are the innovative technologies we will be working with.
Save and clean the existing water bodies
We wish to help the rural population, so our efforts will be to develop simple technology, with no dependency on electric power in the villages, and minimum dependency on the grid in the cities.
Our efforts will be directed to helping the villagers and tribals so we will use only that technology that is affordable and easy to maintain and replicate.
1. Bringing rain water to arid and drought stricken areas
Helping the clouds to realign so they bring rain setting up Cloud Buster
2. Bringing water to the tribals living on the hills
Helping to tap the water in the fog screens for tapping the water
3. Bringing drinking water to draught prone areas using specially designed containers to preserve the dew
Helping to tap the Dew Using specially designed containers to preserve the dew
4. Bringing drinking water to draught prone areas
Trapping the air to create condensation and water using turbines that suck the air into the earth where it condenses into water.
5. Tree planting in all terrains including drough prone ads.
Using specially designed tree watering bags containing 25 ltrs water which will slowly released to the roots of plant & trees they not requiring watering for next 6 months.
6. Cleaning the water bodies
Cleaning the bacteria in the water and keeping it constantly clean by passing the water through a magnetic field using specially designed magnets.
7. Cleaning the Inlets to the Rivers
1. Creating Bio filters by using probiotic liquids and charcoal.
2. Creating Bio filters by planting different saplings like vetiver.
3. Creating Bio filters by planting beneficial alage like duck weed.
4. Releasing friendly bacteria like pro biotic liquid.